I probably shouldn’t be telling you this or asking you these questions because you already know the answer?
Good old fashioned honesty needed from you today as I have a deep diving soul searching
question for you
How many of the following do you have or have you done.
- Joined a gym and given up after a few weeks.
- Bought an exercise DVD or course and not followed it.
- Joined a slimming club and not followed the advice for long enough.
- Hired a personal trainer and not followed their advice.
- Bought diet or nutrition books, shakes, pills and potions to get slimmer?
- Promised yourself you will start your diet next Monday.
Sound familiar? You already have the info, you already know what to do?
You don’t really need more info do you? Do you really need a new gym, a new trainer, more books, dvds or courses?
Here is what most people really need
They need a coach, a coach who can help you take action on all the stuff you already know
how to do to shift those pounds you think you can’t.
Someone to help you make the right decisions and help you to take positive action.
More info or use the info you already know.
Should only be one answer.
Want some help?
Just contact me with your number and ill give you a call back.
Head COACH Norhtwest Fit Camp Manchester