It was one of my clients birthday’s last week and she invited me and my lovely fiance Rachel out to dinner at Chili Banana in Wilmslow, which is a great Thai Restaurant. As with these sort of events there are always new people to meet and introduce yourself to and the question that you always get asked when someone meets you for the 1st time. “So what do you do then”
Now as most of my clients know I don’t like using the term personal trainer because I don’t see myself as a trainer. I like to say I’m a health and fitness coach but before I had a chance to answer my client introduced me as her personal trainer. Now when this happens I tend to get asked questions about what I do and what is the best exercise for this and what is the best way to get fit, build muscle and so on.
But by far and away the most common question is:
“What is the best way to lose weight?”
This usually takes a variety of answers but I’ve been doing a bit of reading this week and wanted to address it in this weeks blog post. If you wanted one sure fire way to lose weight (body fat) quickly and effectively without exercising or going on a diet, I would say that it is to eliminate wheat from your diet.
Did you know that the wheat that we currently eat in our breads, breakfast cereals, pastas and soups (yes even in soups) has been genetically modified and as a result what we think we are eating is not the same as what we are actually eating. And to top that off it is also very addictive and generally makes you crave more and more of it.
Traditional wheat has been replaced with a stunted, bulging, highly productive dwarf variety and this has been achieved by moving around a few genes, and the scientists of the day assumed there would be no harmful side effects in humans. This reality is that the genetic changes in the wheat triggered a shift in the range of proteins (especially gluten) our wheat contains, with so far unknown effects on health. Also, wheat contains gluten (80% of the total protein content in wheat) which can cause a whole pile of nasty diseases, even in those of you who don’t have symptoms of gluten buy xenical generic intolerance.
Then there also is the little matter of the glycemic index (GI) Did you know that two slices of “healthy” whole wheat bread can raise blood sugar higher and faster than two tablespoons of sugar. The glycemic index (GI) of a slice of wholegrain brown bread is 59 which is pretty much the same as table sugar in any case and your body cant tell the difference between wheat and sugar.
This is true of anything with wheat in it, not just bread. Basically the wheat that we are told is “heart healthy” turns out to be heavily implicated in causing problems like obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and even diabetes.
Yet if you go to your doctor they will tell you if you want to lose weight to eat more wholegrain foods, and try and lower your cholesterol which is just adding to the problem.
The belief that cholesterol causes obesity, heart disease, and cancer has long been dis-proven and we now know know that wheat is far more culpable in all of the above conditions.
If you have breakfast cereal for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and then pasta for your dinner than you are pretty much eating wheat with every meal, which will be playing havoc with your blood sugar levels, your metabolisms and your body fat.
Then there are all the examples of foods that contain hidden wheat, like soups that have thickeners, breadcrumbs on fried food, biscuits and many savoury snacks.
Now I’m not wanting to go into conspiracy theories but, why is it that grains and cereals are being recommended by the government agencies that are responsible for our health and nutrition. To work out why you need to understand the following:
If we no longer used wheat as our main food choice, then there would be a global worldwide food shortage and he price of food would sky-rocket, especially meat, dairy and fruit and veg. This would have a massive affect on the economy not to mention the companies that make billions of pounds a year from wheat containing products.
Basically to reiterate the point, if you want to lose weight and get healthier you need to look at removing wheat (and gluten) from your diet.
Food for thought.
If you want to learn a bit more about this I would highly recommend that you check out the excellent book Wheat Belly by William Davis