We’re sort of stuck in that limbo between Christmas and new year this week. I heard it called chrimbo limbo yesterday.
Ive got a few clients today but it will probably be quiet in our Manchester city centre fitness studio
It’s the period of no mans land where you wait for the new years celebrations to take off and waiting to get stuck into the new year new you BS that we promise ourselves each year.
“This year it will be different”, you say.
Was it different last year?
What about the year before that?
Always the same, 2 weeks of giving up everything and joining a gym but only going for the 1st 2 weeks and back to old habits by the 14th of January.
Sound familiar?
Why is it going to be different this year?
How are you going to keep to your own promises instead of listening to the BS excuses that are in your head and giving up, promising to start again on Monday.
You might not like buy xenical pills singapore hearing this and I’m cool with that, but that’s because you and I both know its true.
Truth hurts sometimes but I’m here to server you and help you get results so ill tell you like it is.
New year new you, is a big pile of cr@p.
What you really need is accountability, someone to be accountable to like a coach or a group with the same goals as you.
You could join one of our 2 in 12 programs and drop 2 full dress sizes by March, I’ll be opening up a few places in the next few days to start on Monday 6th January.
Head Coach
Northwest Personal Training Manchester / Northwest Fit Camp
Home of the 2 in 12 program
I’ll be taking on 1 new personal training client next week.
If you are interested in finding out more fil in the form below to arrange a free consultation with me.