Meet My Youngest Client (12 weeks old)

By February 24, 2014Uncategorized

Little Henry is only 12 weeks old but he has been coming in to our fitness studio since he was only 6 weeks old. Usually we just plonk him in his car seat in front of the TV with one of the music channels while his mum Anna works out.

Anna is my longest serving personal training client by the way (nearly 5 years).  She also holds down a busy and demanding job as a consultant surgeon, but she still finds time to come in and train at our studio twice a week.

How’s that for dedication?

You could forgive her for using baby Henry as an excuse not to work-out now but she brings him in and usually he is good as gold but today he was being a bit grumpy so I ended up babysitting him and feeding him as his mum worked out.

Anna could use all this as an excuse but she doesn’t. She could say she doesn’t have the time, she is too busy with the baby her job is too stressful. Any number of excuses, but she doesn’t.

She ignores that little buy cheap orlistat online voice in her head that tells her she can’t do things. She just gets on with it.

You know the voice that tells you to stay in bed rather than get up for the gym or fit cap. Of course you do. We all have that voice…..


………………..Every single one of us

It’s when start to believe the voice that we have the biggest problems.

^^^^^^^^^^^ Huge Truth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What is your inner voice telling you?

“I can’t lose weight”

“It’s no good I’ve tried everything

“I’m too old to exercise”

“I’m not fit enough to exercise in front of other people

“I’ll start my diet on Monday”

“Just one piece of (insert food here ) won’t hurt”

I don’t deserve to be happy (thin, meet someone, get a good job)

“I can’t give up coffee” (wine, bread, pasta, chocolate or whatever)

The inner voice is there to sabotage you and stop you getting what you want because it doesn’t want you to change. It wants you to stay right where you are, so please don’t let it. Get on top of it and take some action to get what YOU want, not your inner voice.