If you are trying to lose weight one of the foods you need to be careful around is fruit and especially due to the high levels of fructose. Fructose is the sugar that is found in fruit and if you are trying to lose weight then this could be bad news for you.
Basically sugar is sugar and if you eat too much of any kind of sugar including in fruit then the chances are that this is going to make you store more fat especially around your belly.
The other thing is that fruit is not as nutritious as we would be led to believe. Of the 13 vitamins, only fruits that contain fat can even start to provide fat soluble vitamins, therefore only olives and avocado can help with vitamins A, D, E
and K.
There are far better ways to get the fat soluble vitamins in our diet by eating more meat, fish, eggs and poultry.
Fruit is also not a great source of the eight B vitamins although it is a good source of vitamin C but you can get as much vitamin C from vegetables if not more especially green leafy ones.
So basically if we take into account that fruits are indeed not that nutritious, then we have to look at how they affect our waistlines and make us put on bodyfat.
Fructose, which you may know as fruit sugar,is quite uniquely metabolised by your liver, so it doesn’t get the chance to be burned up as fuel in the blood. In this case it goes straight to the liver buy xenical online cheap where it is processed to be turned into fat. You might want to bear this in mind the next time you drink a large glass of “healthy fruit juice” with your breakfast.
Table sugar or processed white cane sugar that we put in our coffee or sweet foods is made up of a single molecule of glucose and a single molecule of fructose. The key change in our diet especially in the western world during the period in which obesity levels have risen pretty dramatically is not just down to the increases in our consumption of sugar but quite specifically down to the combination of fructose and glucose. Add these two sugars together and the potency of fructose and glucose is as follows – as the fructose part of the table sugar gets sent to the liver pretty much straight away for it to be metabolised it has little or no impact on blood glucose levels.
The glucose part of the table sugar performs this role and stimulates the pancreas to increase the output of insulin which is a storage hormone. The result of this is that we have triglycerides being formed, thanks to the actions of the fructose, and they are able to be stored, thanks to the glucose causing insulin to be released.
Food companies might like to tell you that all sugars are created equal but, when it comes to fat storage, the glucose fructose combinations are frightenly fattening especiall High Fructose Corn Syrup which is present in sweet drinks such as fizzy cola’s