Manchester Marathon for the Ruth Strauss Foundation (RSF)

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I signed up to train for the Manchester Marathon for the Ruth Strauss Foundation (RSF), established by the former England Cricket Captain, Sir Andrew Strauss, in memory of his wife, Ruth Strauss, who died of lung cancer.

During my fundraising campaign, I reached a total of over £7000. In recognition of my efforts, the RSF invited me to be their ambassador at the Lords test match between England and India, on the day dedicated to the RSF. I led the teams out onto the pitch, carrying the flag for the Foundation. Here are some photos of Andrew Strauss with me on that memorable day.

I would love to help you set a goal and then use my fitness and weight loss plan to help you achieve your vision.

Why I can’t stop eating and how it can help you lose weight

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Since my shoulder surgery a couple of weeks ago I’ve been pretty laid up. I’m still in a sling and probably gong to be for a couple more weeks, so that means no exercise until the repair work has stitched back together.

But, I literally can’t stop eating.

I’m hungry all the time.

I am 100% convinced this is because I’m not doing anything active at the minute. Im spending a lot of time on the sofa watching TV. Stuff I don’t even really care about as well, like pointless and bargain hunt.

You know how you get tired when you sit around all day?

Well the science says that leads to your body seeking out energy dense food to give you more energy.

Energy dense usually = bad ie high calories and high fat or sugar

Yesterday I had 2 double cheese burgers I was so hungry and the day before I had a double Nandos chicken wrap.
My wife says she is struggling to keep up with how much im eating at the minute.

The only way to curb this will be to start doing some more exercise and being more active so for now im limited to getting out for walks.

This is the number 1 reason why you need to include exercise as part of a successful weight loss strategy.

You don’t even have to do that much: 3 x 45 minute sessions like we do at our fit camp is more than enough.

We’ve has 4 new members join in the last week alone which means we only have 2 places left.

You can check it out here

Liam “Still Hungry” Thompson
Head Coach
Northwest Fit Camp Manchester
Drop a Size in 4 weeks Guaranteed


Why your Personal Trainer should be open and honest with you

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If you have been reading my blogs and mails for while you will know that I sometimes struggle with my own weight and it fluctuates up and down.

Usually it’s down to letting some bad habits creep in especially around food and drink or a few unhealthy weekends away watching the rugby and drinking copious amounts of Guinness.

We all have these bad habits though. Its normal and natural. We are not robots we are human.

Even the holier than thou, broccoli and chicken eating personal trainers that work in the local gyms have their bad or at least unhealthy habits.

Usually its their coke binging at the weekend or the steroids that they secretly take to make them huge,but they keep it a secret from their clients. They are not being honest with you.

I know a lot of trainers who preach to their clients that they should never drink but are secretly out getting smashed themselves or off their faces at the weekend or binging on pizza and ice cream on their where to buy xenical forum “cheat day”.

Their clients then feel guilty because they can’t stick to nutrition plans and end up blaming themselves and feeling like its their fault. Bad karma indeed.

Getting healthy and losing weight shouldn’t be like this. It should never be an all or nothing approach.

All or nothing always leads to failure.

Deprivation will always lead to falling off the wagon, so its far better to allow yourself to have your guilty pleasures like wine and chocolate and fit it in to a strategy that works for you to lose weight without feeling that you are missing out on things.

The best diet and exercise plan is the one you can stick to.

As for me, I’ll be focusing on my own nutrition and training plan and putting a strategy in place as i have my sisters wedding in a few weeks to get trimmed up for.

No more guinness for me for a while.

Head Coach
Northwest Fit Camp Manchester

My own struggles and how they shape what we do

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A few months ago I was in Thailand on a course with other fitness coaches and trainers.

One of the things they got us to do was to create a list of personal things that other people didn’t know about me that they could relate to.

Here are a few of them that I wrote and kept to myself. I’ve decided to share them to you guys because they are “normal” feelings at least for me.

I hope they can inspire you to get healthier or happier or whatever it is you want to achieve and maybe even inspire you………

Here you go…….

I’m actually really introverted and when I spend any significant time with other people, I often need to be on my own to recharge or I’m can come across as really moody.

Sometimes when I get grumpy or moody and we are driving my wife specifically keeps chocolate in her handbag for long journeys for this reason. Coffee also helps.

I used to be a shy, gawky, gangly insecure teenager with no confidence. That’s certainly not the case now, but one of the reasons why I can understand what it feels like to be lacking in self confidence sometimes.

I’ve been fat in the past, Ive never had a six pack (nor do I want one) and I love where can i buy xenical online food, because of this I have to keep an eye on my own weight because it fluctuates up and down.

I skip the gym sometimes because I’m too tired or can’t be bothered. Not all the time but it does happen now and again. I know that if I plan my exercise for the morning I’m more likely to do it.

I feel down sometimes and get stressed a lot, especially in the winter (Vitamin D helps a lot) as does exercise and practicing breathing exercises

I eat when I’m stressed. I can easily polish off a big bar or Galaxy or a Huge bag of Doritos without even noticing it.

I know from experience that the key to being healthy and happy is not weight loss, despite what most people think and despite what the diet industry or chicken and broccoli eating personal trainers tell us.

The key is looking inside yourself, working out what you really want and admitting it to yourself instead of burying your head in the sand about whatever is going on in your life.

Get that right and everything else falls into place.

Have a great Wednesday and please feel free to get in touch if if I related with you today.

Liam Thompson
Head Coach
Northwest Personal Training / Northwest Fit Camp Manchester

How to get motivated even if you always put things off

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Monday morning just gone I had a dentist appointment here in Manchester.

It was just for a check up but I have to admit I was a bit worried as I’d been putting it off for a while.

Worried in case there was a problem and I would need some work doing. Silly I know but that how my brain works some times.

So what motivated me to go on Monday?

Well I’m going to San Diego for a geeky internet conference in a few weeks and I didn’t fancy having to pay for any emergency dental work when I was out there.

I hear it’s really expensive.

Turns out my teeth were fine but it was the fear of having to stump up a load of cash in the states that motivated me.

Fear motivates most of us and we ca use it to our advantage.

Its why when we get a health buy xenical diet pills uk scare we research furiously everything about it on google or when a family member becomes ill or passes away we get motivated to get healthy.

It’s why my mum was able to quit smoking instantly when her sister got lung cancer even though she had been trying unsuccessfully for years.

The problem with this is that sometimes you can leave it too late.

I got lucky this time, so did my mum.

How can you use this to motivate you?

We have space for 2 on our fit camp for those of you who want to take control and kick start you health and fitness starting next Monday. Check it out here.


After that we are closed to new members until at least the end of the month.

Liam Thompson
Head Coach
Northwest Fit Camp / Personal Training Manchester

Failed Resolutions

Are you in the 90%

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The 17th of January, Saturday just passed.

What the significance of this date? Apart from the fact it was bloody freezing here in Manchester.

It’s actually the date that most people give up their new years resolutions.

By this point 90% of you will have abandoned your healthy eating or diet plans or if you have joined a gym you won’t be going anymore!

Sound familiar?

Now we’re not taking on any new members for either personal training or fit camp at the minute in Manchester, because basically we are full, however…

…we are relaunching our online 4 week drop a dress size at home program for 10 Manchester women who want to effortlessly lose weight in the minimum time.

I’ll give you all the tools you need to easily drop a minimum of a dress size without needing to join a gym and you can do everything at home in your
own time.

You can check it out here

We have only 10 spaces and they will definitely sell out

Liam Thompson

Head Coach
Northwest Fit Camp and Personal Training Manchester

Stressed Woman

The Secret Hormone That Keeps Women Fat

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Let me tell you a quick story about hormones.

It’s about one of the main reasons why many women struggle to drop any significant amount of weight at all and it’s definitely not
what you might think it is.

Imagine exercising up to 5 times a week at the gym, eating a healthy diet yet frustratingly not being able to get results you desperately want.

Frustrating isn’t it?

If losing weight was just about diet and exercise then it would be easier but we know that there is a lot more to it than that.

A hell of a lot more

Many women forget about the hormone cortisol, it’s a stress hormone and when its high it can stop you from using your fat stores as
fuel, meaning a big no no to losing buy xenical online india weight, at least the kind of weight you want to lose (body fat).

And its sneaky because you may be be dropping on the scales but it will be you muscle mass. Making you weaker and slowing your
metabolism to a crawl.

You don’t even have to feel stressed for it to rise.

Managing this hormone is just one of the strategies we use at our Manchester Fit Camp and its one of the reasons why we can virtually
guarantee to help you drop a dress size in the next 4 weeks.

Today is your last chance to get on board our fit camp this month.

Join Now – Start Monday

Liam Thompson
Head Coach
Northwest Fit Camp Manchester / Northwest Personal Training



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Tape measure with nutrition facts

How To Eat More and Lose More

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Have you ever tried to go on a diet and tried cutting down on how much you eat in an effort to lose weight?

Usually the results are pretty good, at least at the start. The number on the scales drops on schedule for the first few weeks and then bam, it stops dead and no matter how many times a day you weight yourself it wont budge.

So you stop weighing yourself. You’ve slipped back into your old routine and the next time you jump on the scales, its higher than it was at the start?

Sound familiar?

Where are you going wrong?

Cutting out calories too much may work short term but longer term it can be disastrous.

The key is to eat better buy generic xenical orlistat quality food with more nutrition. Give your body what it needs instead of starving it.

Starving your body of calories also starves your body of nutrients and its not gonna like that. That’s why it fights to hold on to your fat stores and the scales don’t budge.

That’s also why we educate our fit camp members on exactly what foods they need to eat to lose weight in a healthy way, without go on silly starvation diets.

Nutrition is the key

You can join us for a 4 week drop a dress size trial at

Liam Thompson
Head Coach
Northwest Fit Camp Manchester
Drop a dress size in 4 weeks Guaranteed

Apple and Mars Bar Sandwiches

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Back when I was a kid in Ireland my mum used to give us Apple and Mars Bar Sandwiches for our lunch.

I think it must be a Northern Irish thing

It wasn’t an every day thing and was probably a treat

It was a lot of sugar and looking back now it was pretty obvious it was a lot of sugar.

Sugar is the big baddie in my eyes when it comes to weight gain.

Not fat, fat is a bit like the A team:

“Convicted of a crime it didn’t commit”

Want to cut down on it then you should be avoiding certain foods. Cereals, hidden sugar in processed foods, fruit order xenical juice and bread.

Starting your day on cereals and fruit juice is probably the single worst thing you can do if you want to trim up and lose the wobbly bits.

That’s why we teach our fit camp members and my 1-1 personal training clients the exact foods they need to eat if they want to easily lose weight and keep it off and the best thing is they don’t have to go on silly starvation diets.

Want to drop 2 dress sizes in 12 weeks? Starting Next Monday

You can apply for our next 2 in 12 program in Manchester below and work in a group or 1-1 setting:

Head Coach and Ex Sugar Addict
Northwest Personal Training / Fit Camp Manchester
Home of the 2 in 12 Program

Scariest 35 minutes of my life

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Last week we spent a few days over in Ireland at my parents as we do every year.

We had to be up early for a flight back to Liverpool on Sunday though and even though Belfast Airport is only 15 minutes from my parents, my dad had the radio on which was covering news of the Air Asia plane that had gone missing.

Not what you want to hear on the way to the airport.

Anyway all is well at Belfast until we are about to board the flight and out of the blue they announce the flight is delayed.

A baggage truck had crashed into the plane and they had to fly a new one in.

4 hours it took, so we sat in the lounge watching BBC new with guess what?

Yup 3 hours of plane crash news!

Now I’m usually a good flier but that day i was petrified. I had all sorts of horrible buy orlistat no prescription uk images going through my mind.

Bad news has that effect on us, this is why I don’t really watch the news anymore because it’s full of negativity.

It drags us down to their level. Same thing with people who moan and whine about not being able to lose weight or who tell you that whatever you are doing won’t work.

It has an effect on us (and our happiness).

So here is my best tip for 2015.

Surround yourself with people who are supportive and don’t bring you down.

Support (and accountability) just part of what we offer our fit camp.

Applications for now open for our next 2 in 12 program:

or you can join our 4 week drop a dress size trial below starting Monday:
Head Coach
Northwest Personal Training / Northwest Fit Camp Manchester


Apply For a Free Consultation

Application for a free no obligation consultation with one of our expert coaches at our studio in Manchester City Centre
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